POLS208 Миграционна политика



Migration becomes a key problem in the national, European and international policies. The course introduces the main migration theories and policies. He has three parts. The first analyzes the key concepts: migration, borders, diaspora, citizenship, transnationalism. The second examines three groups of theories: economic, sociological and political with an emphasis on the last one. The third part explores some national models of migration management: British, French, Spanish, Dutch, as well as the europeanisation of migration policy. The Bulgarian migration policy is analyzed in depth.

прочети още
Политически науки (на английски език)


проф. Анна Кръстева  д-р

Описание на курса:



After completing successfully this course the students will:

1) know:

- The main concepts, theories and models of the migration theory and policy.

2) be capable of:

- To identify the main problems of migration.

- To distinguish and analyze the main models of migration flows management.

- To understand the differences between migration and integration policies.

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:


1. Migration phenomenon today

From "arrows" to "spaghetti". Contemoprary trends. New figures of migrants. Migration and globalization.

2. Key concepts

Borders: typology. Borders and governance. пология. Fragmentation and integration of territoriesBorders, frontiers, boundaries.

Diaspora: definition, social and political uses.

Minority: quantitative and qualitative meaning. Minorities and migration.

Citizenship: model of soil and model of blood. Naturalisation. New types of citizenship: denizenship.

3. Migration

Paradox between the right for free movement of individuals and the right of states to control their borders. History of migrations. Europe in the world migrations. Two types of factors: push and pull. Chicago school. The model of gasterbeiter.

4. Theories of migration

Macro, micro, theory of the world system, theory of the double labor market theory, network theory.

5. European migration policy

From bilateral to multilateral cooperation to communitarization of migration policy.

6. National migration policy

Migration policy and integration policy. Politizatation of migration. Migration panorama, legislation, institutions and integration policy of selected European countries: France, UK, the Netherlands. Spain.

7. East-European Migrations

Political and economic migrations. Differences between Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Demographic and economic factors. Push и pull factors. Balkan migration phenomenon. Forms of migration in SEE: forced, ethnic, trafficking, circular.

8. Migration flows from and to Bulgaria

Emigration from Bulgaria. Immigration to Bulgaria. Comparison with migrations in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

9. Bulgarian migration policy

Institutionalization of asylum and migration policy. Main stages and characteristics. Two national strategies.

10. Return

Impact of the economic crisis or normal migration phenomenon. Impossibility of return of communist migrants. Causes of return. Forms of employment after return. Return and mobility.

11. Brain drain

Brain drain. Brain Gain. Brain circulation. Mobility of highly qualified labor force. Political discourse on brain drain.

12. Political migration

Waves of refugees in histoty. XX century - the century of refugees. Peculiarities of refuges flows today.

13. Internally displaced persons (IDPs)

Definition. Dynamics and geography of flows. Lack of institutionalization of the international protection of IDPs.

14. International protection of refugees

Nansen - pioneer of the idea of the responsibility of the international community for defense of asylum seekers. UN High commissioner for refugees. The Geneva Convention of 1951.

15. Bulgarian refugee policy

Bulgarians as refugees: communist period - main form of migration. Are the post-communist refugees recognized?

Refugees in Bulgaria - dynamic of refugee floes. Figures of refugee. Institutionalization - ratification of the Geneva Convention, governmental, nongovernmental and international institutions and organization in defense of refugee rights.

Литература по темите:


CASTLES S. and M.Miller The age of migration. New York: Palgrave, 2003.

GEDDES Andrew. The politics of migration and immigration in Europe. London: Sage, 2005.

KRASTEVA A. et al (eds) Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe. Ravenna: Longo Editore.

MESSINA A. and G. LAHAV (eds) Migration reader. Exporing politics and policies. London: Boulder, 2006.

MESSINA A. West European immigration and immigration policy in the new century. London:Praeger, 2002.

MEYERS Eytan. International immigration policy. Macmillan : Palgrave, 2004.


www.iom.int (International Organization for Migration)




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